My Work

About Me
I grew up in NY.
My Dad was a NYC School teacher who sold jewelry at the flea markets on the weekends for some extra cash. He also LOVES interacting with all kinds of people, so it was very fulfilling for him.
That Jim.
Very social guy,
I vividly remember his friend, Eli, who would come to the house and sell him gold jewelry. He'd bring some samsonites full of goods, click them open and my dad would let me help pick out the jewelry he would eventually sell. I used to LOVE going to visit him and watch him sell the jewelry. Then I'd run around the flea market getting free toys and dolls from all the vendors that knew my Dad. It was a weird world of wonder and I felt like I was the flea market princess.
So naturally, I went into acting.
In 2006, I left NY for LA, land of television dreams and plastic surgery. As an actor, you take most any job that will give you money. I was a trapeze instructor and a roadie who went on tour with Blink 182 and Weezer. I worked at nightclubs, hot spots, new restaurants and even got into burlesque, baby!! Oh and one month, I got to run the VIP room for 21 Prince shows at the Forum, NBD.
I always had my finger on the pulse of what was cool in LA, but I was still pretty broke and unfulfilled.
Cut to 2016. My then boyfriend, now husband, Ben, came home from a work trip and ran into an old friend on his flight. His friend just happened to be one of DTLA's most prominent custom jewelers and a legit diamond expert and he was looking for a new salesperson.
Ben came home and told me about it and I immediately laughed and said, "No!! I'm not a diamond person?!"
I had a friend who was in the movie Blood Diamond, so I was naturally turned off, but after a little research (Kimberley process, anyone??! A sign, I think...) I realized the diamond industry was more ethical than ever. So I sat and thought back to the days of going to the flea market with my Dad and how much we enjoyed selling jewelry to people and how cool it was knowing that that piece of jewelry would have a very special meaning to someone and I said, "fine, I'll talk to him."
The rest is history.
I started my career under a true diamond expert, who taught me more than I could ever hope to know about diamonds and gemstones. I fell hard. I loved how these little products of nature brought so much joy to so many people and what they could represent in someone's life.
I furthered my education by attending GIA in 2019 and graduating with my AJP degree. I couldn't get enough of gems and to say I became a gem nerd would be an understatement.
I eventually left to have my first child and realized that I could do this on my own. 2 kids later, I am fully operational from my home in Los Angeles and I couldn't be happier.
I can work with clients in person but have worked with even more remotely.
It's thrilling for me to educate my clients about gemstones, find them the perfect stone and then build their dream ring around it.
It's been an absolute pleasure to say that I've made well over 300 rings in my career and I can't wait to more.
Come, step into my haus...

When it comes to something as personal as jewelry, what better way to get exactly what you want than by going custom?
Custom jewelry is the best way to create a piece that is not only exactly what you want, but it's created from scratch, therefore, every part of the piece is perfectly fit together.
It's the difference between buying a pair of pants off the rack that kinda fit or going to a tailor and having pants created that perfectly fit your body.
The rings I create, perfectly fit the stones that I source for you and the quality of the materials and craft(wo)manship is the highest available.
If you're someone who gets inspiration from many places and then puts your own twist on things,
custom is for you.
If you're specific about style and have strong vision,
custom is for you.
If you have a lot of ideas and need some guidance,
custom is for you.​
If you feel lost,
custom is definitely for you.
When you find a jeweler that you really vibe with, the custom experience should be easy, collaborative and dare I say, fun?!
My custom process begins with a phone call where I get to know you a little bit and learn about what it is you want to create. After a little Q&A, I can tell if I'm the right person for the job and if I'm not, I'll tell you that too.
I'm very open and honest and if I can't help you, I will point you in the direction of someone who can, because who's got time to waste in this life, amerite??!
Once we think we're a good fit, I will walk you through the custom process and educate you about whichever stone you want to create your piece with.
You will hopefully leave the call with next steps that you're excited about.
Then I'll go to work.
I spend a lot of time curating a selection of gemstones that are the color, size, shape you want, all within your budget.
I don't waste time showing you things you can't afford or that don't fit the bill.
This can take some time, depending on the call, but I LOVE hunting for a perfect stone for my clients.
I will sometimes throw in a stone that you might not of thought about but after speaking with you, think you might Love. I have made many pivots like this with clients where they ended up creating a piece they didn't even imagine in the beginning of the process, but the stone just organically came into my orbit and it was just meant to be.
I communicate with you throughout the entire process with updates and questions about design decisions I think you should be involved in, so the piece is truly a collaborative effort.
At the end of the process, I send you pictures and videos for your final approval and once you approve, your piece is ready to go to it's new forever home.
I enjoy my work so much, so no request is too out there and there are no dumb questions.
Let's get weird.
I'm here to help you create a piece of fine jewelry that will last for generations to come and hopefully get passed down so loved ones may enjoy it's sentiment and the way it makes them feel as well.
And since it's custom, it's EXACTLY what you want.
From an early age, my Father always got my Mother Jewelry for Christmas and I always think back to how special those moments were and how happy and special it made my Mom feel.
I hope making a custom piece with me does the same thing for you :)